Airthrey Park Medical Centre

Hermitage Road

The University of Stirling

Stirling FK9 4NJ

You do not have to be registered with the practice

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Acupuncture in Stirling

  • Clinic hours:

    • Monday 9am-6pm


    FREE 15min assessment available


    Initial and follow-up treatments: £60/45mins

    Block of 5 treatments: £275 (eq £55/45mins)

    Herbal Medicine

    SunTen herbal granules or tablets: 100g/£40 (for 1 to 4 weeks depending on prescription)

    Aura herbal tablets: 60x600mg tablets/£24.50 (for 10 to 15 days depending on formula)

    SunTen herbal tablets: 42x500mg tablets/£15 (for 1 week, usually taken while receiving acupuncture)

    + £6 Packaging and Postage (unless collected from the stock in the clinic)

    Cancellation policy

    Cancellation of an appointment with less than 24 hours' notice usually means that we are unable to re-allocate the time to other patients. A fee of £20 will be charged if less than 24 hours notice is given or the full amount if your appointment is missed.  card payment accepted
  • Parking

    Parking is free for 2 hours (a camera captures your registration when entering the campus)

    Bus service

    The University of Stirling has excellent bus links from Stirling city centre and some from Bridge of Allan. The Unilink shuttle bus between Stirling centre, the train station and the main University campus is one of the handiest and most regular services. A night bus service also serves the campus. Most bus services to the campus run from either just outside Stirling's Rail Station or a two-minute walk away, in Murray Place.

    Check Stirling Uni's website "Getting here" for a list of all buses.